
Lifestyle Fashion for Hartbrook Clothiers

About Hartbrook

Although Hartbrook is a relatively new company, the principles have been developing over a number of years through discussions among our family and friends. Ultimately, Hartbrook was conceived as a company to fill a void in the market—actually several voids. It provides custom, faith based, men’s clothing where none existed. It provides a vehicle for charitable giving through the sale of every garment to a local charity. It provides a way for high school and college students to gain valuable sales experience while giving
back to others.

After many nights around our dinner table trying to think of names for our new company, we were drawn to the verse Psalm 42:1, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God,” hence the name Hartbrook. We hope that our clothing reminds the wearer of their relationship with the Lord and the extension of that relationship to others through service.

About Brennan

Brennan started Hartbrook three years ago having no prior experience or interest in menswear. Between football practices, school work and bible studies, he had little time to think about clothing, leaving the chore of acquiring his clothes largely to his mother. That all changed when Brennan and his family came up with the idea of forming a line of menswear that would combine faith with cloth and charity. Soon he found himself swamped in fabric swatches, learning on the fly the difference between a girth and chest measurement. All that work learning about proper fit was made worth it because of the impact he knew his efforts were having in the lives of critically ill children whose dream trips he was sponsoring. Eventually, that passion for charity grew into an unexpected passion for clothing.

Brennan recently graduated from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA with a degree in accounting and business administration. This past summer, he gained more experience in the industry interning for a luxury southern clothing line. He has now returned to his hometown of Birmingham to devote his full attention to Hartbrook.